1. General disposition
1.1. Present disposition are applied to on-line contracts of products presented on the web site, property of Sotek s.r.l., headquarter in Fabriano (AN), 3 street Ceresani fiscal code. and VAT. 01511430421.
1.2. These general disposition are part of the purchase agreement of every Sotek’s product. Orders are the formal acceptation of the GTP.
1.3. This contract is available in Italian or in English
2. Parts of the GTP
2.1. Seller is Sotek s.r.l. headquarter in Fabriano (AN), 3 Street G. Ceresani, fiscal code and VAT 01511430421.
2.2. Customer is a buyer. Sotek directs its offers to entrepreneurs as well to freelancers, corporation under public law and associations.
3. Penalties
3.1. We will not accept orders with penalties.
4. Conclusion of agreement
4.1. The contract between Sotek and a customer is concluded through an acceptance in compliance with the offer proposed in the website of Sotek, or by the delivery of the goods at the carrier.
4.2. The performance offered by Sotek’s site are considerable as an invitation to the customer to submit an offer.
4.3. The customer’s order is the offer for a conclusion of a purchase and sale contract at the terms and conditions specified in the order.
5. Written form
5.1. Oral agreements of any kinds, including subsequent modifications of the contract, must be confirmed in written form to become effective.
6. Object of the contract
6.1. These GTP are referred to the purchase of the goods presented in the website
7. Information in the catalogue
7.1. Information in the catalogue about products are explained in the website. Anyway, information referred to products such as images, time and terms of delivery and prices are not binding. Sotek is not liable of inconsistencies, despite the surveillance of Sotek of the site.
7.2. Prices in the catalogue are net prices and the respective VAT is not included. In case of an erroneous price, Sotek can rescind the contract, informing promptly the counterpart.
7.3. Prices in the catalogue exclude the packaging.
8. Warranty
8.1. The limitation period for claims is a year. The limitation period starts when the product is delivered (passing of risk)
8.2. Customer has to communicate in written form to Sotek for any defects within seven days from the delivery of the product.
8.3. Warranty is possible only in case of complete payment of goods.
8.4. We will not consider irrelevant gaps as lack. We will not consider as lack use and deterioration, damages happened after transfer date, damage due to force majeure or produced by products alteration if not authorized by Sotek’s written communication or in case of incorrect treatment of goods.
9. Terms and conditions of shipment
9.1 Sotek’s time of shipment are based on Sotek’s supplier. Therefore, Sotek is not responsible for any delay referred to this condition.
9.2 Sotek will inform immediately customers in case of delay or in case goods will not be available anymore.
9.3 Packaging will be done in the more adequate way. Are possible multiple packaging and shipment.
10.1 Sotek offers several payment methods, indicated in the website.
10.2 Sotek is entitled to check the creditworthiness of customers. In any time Sotek can stop the purchase. In case of default Sotek can charge a default interest of 4 percent annual, despite the demonstration of a bigger damage.
11. Property and reservation of property
11.1 Sotek has the property of the product until the total payment of the good.
11.2 In case of default Sotek can reclaim goods; customer must return it. Collection of goods does not involve a rescind of the contract, except in case of expressly declared by Sotek in a written form. In case of foreclosure, customer has to inform Sotek in a written form.
11.3 Is not allowed pledging goods under reservation of property. In case of pledge, customer has to inform immediately Sotek.
12. Transfer of risk
12.1 Delivery of goods at the carrier represent the transfer of risks to the customer. Delivery represents late acceptance.
13. Right of return
13.1 Return of goods is possible only in case of legal rights or if expressly disposed by the parts.
13.2 In case of return of goods, shipment and costs are charge of the costumer, except in case of right of withdrawal. Customer is also responsible of shipments risks.
13.3 Customer may contact in every time our e-commerce office by
Telephone 0039 0732 250823
Fax 0039 0732 22919
Address Sotek s.r.l., via G. Ceresani, 3, 60044 Fabriano (AN)
14. Liability
14.1 Sotek in not responsible in case of events of force majeure. During such events, duration of shipment time will be considerably expanded.
15. Privacy terms
15.1 Sotek will use your personal information respecting art 13 of the Italian Privacy code (d.lgs 196/03). Personal information may be communicate to other company, Sotek’s suppliers. Customer may exercise his right in order to art 7 of Privacy code. Owner of personal information is Sotek s.r.l., 3 via G.Ceresani , 60044 Fabriano (AN).
16. Competent court
16.1 These terms and conditions and the contract are subjected by the Ancona’s jurisdiction. Sotek further has the right to take legal action in the Italian or foreign consumer’s residence.
17. Severability
17.1 Should any of the above terms and condition be or become null or void, validity of the remaining terms and conditions shall remain unaffected. The null or void provision shall be replaced by the statutory regulation unless the parties agree otherwise individually in a legal valid manner
17.2 Should any lacuna validity of the remaining terms and conditions shall remain unaffected. The invalid or void provision shall be replaced by the statutory regulation unless the parties agree otherwise individually in a legal valid manner